Motivational stories are a great way to inspire and uplift people. Told with a wisdom that is both inspiring and compelling, motivational stories are often full of compelling lessons and powerful messages. Whether it is about reaching for your dreams or embracing change, motivational stories always have something to teach us about the world and ourselves. Furthermore, these motivational stories remind us that we can rise to any challenge that comes our way and achieve our dreams. So, here we present some short motivational stories with morals with the perfect dose of encouragement and drive.
So, whether you struggle with an important goal or facing an unexpected challenge, keep the lessons from these stories. After all, these tales never fail to remind us that we’ve got what it takes to succeed – as long as we believe in ourselves and keep moving forward.
Enjoy this collection of motivational stories with morals.
The person holding you back
One morning when the employees of a company arrived at work, they received a message, “The person blocking you from succeeding in the company has passed away. Please gather for funeral service in the assembly room.”
While there was some grief among the employees at the unexpected news of the death of their colleague, they were curious to know who was stopping them from succeeding. Moreover, most of them were now intrigued at the prospect of moving up and succeeding in the company.
Many employees were astonished to find all their colleagues still present and very much alive when they entered the assembly room. “If it wasn’t him or her, then who? Who was holding us back from succeeding? Who has passed away?” they all thought.
The employees approached the coffin one by one, and each was astonished when they saw what was inside. They couldn’t make sense of what they were witnessing.
There was only a mirror in the coffin. So, when each employee looked in to see who was “holding them back from success,” they saw themselves. There was a sign next to the mirror that read:
You are the only person who can limit your growth. You are the only person who is capable of creating your success. It is not the circumstance and people that change your life; the way you face the different circumstances and people in life makes the difference. When you overcome your limiting beliefs and realize you are in control of your life, your life changes. You now know who has been preventing you from reaching your full potential. Will you continue to let that person hold you back?
In the spring soil, there lay two seeds side by side. The first seed declared, “I wish to grow!. I want to dig deep into the earth below me and stretch my sprouts through the earth’s crust above me. I want to let down my delicate buds like flags to declare the approach of spring… I want to bask in the warmth of the sun and shine in the morning dew on my petals!” So she grew into a magnificent tree.
The second seed whispered, “I’m terrified. I don’t know what lurks in the dark underworld if I embed my roots into the ground below. I risk breaking my fragile buds if I force my way through the hard soil above me. And what if I allow my buds to blossom and an insect tries to eat them? And if I were to open my blooms, a child may pull me from the ground. No, it is much safer for me to wait until it is absolutely safe.”
So, she waited, and then one day, a yard hen searching for food in the early spring mud discovered the dormant seed and ate it.
Moral: Do not be afraid of taking risks.
Value of Life
There was once a guy who had an inferiority complex. He believed he was no match for others and had no value in his life.
He went to a saint one day and depressingly inquired about the worth of his life. The wise man gave the man a stone and said, “Take this to the market if you want to know the value of your life. Do not answer anyone when they ask how much it is. Simply raise two fingers instead.”
As the priest had said, the man went to the market. He was standing on the market corner, where many people would pass him. The stone looked very ordinary to him.
“What’s the price of the stone?” one woman inquired. The man raised two fingers without uttering any word as the saint had instructed him.
“Two dollars. I’ll take it,” the lady stated. The man was surprised and came back to the saint, saying that there was a woman at the market who wanted to purchase the stone for two dollars.
The saint then instructed, “Now I’d want you to go to the auction arena and raise your two fingers if anyone asks the price. Do not say a word; rather, raise your two fingers.”
The man went to the auction arena as instructed and stood in the hall with the same stone given by the saint. An old man approached the man and asked, “Sir, are you selling this stone? If that’s the case, how much is it worth?”
The man raised the two fingers without uttering any word.
“Two hundred dollars,” the old man remarked. “I’ll take it,” he added.
The man was astounded by what he had just heard. He went to the saint and stated, “The pawnshop owner was willing to pay two hundred thousand dollars for the stone.”
“Excellent, now the final location, I want you to take the stone to Pawnshop’s city mall. Raise your two fingers without saying a word if anyone asks about the price like before.” said the saint.
The man went to the city mall. After finding the Pawnshop, he went into it. He kept the stone on the counter. As soon as the shop owner saw the stone, he exclaimed, “Wow, The stone! It’s the one I’ve been looking for all these years. How much is it?”
The man did not say a word and raised two fingers as before.
The shopkeeper replied, “Two hundred thousand dollars? I’ll buy it.”
When the man heard this, he could not believe it. So he went to the saint and reported, “The pawnshop owner was prepared to pay two hundred thousand dollars for the stone.”
“Now, do you understand the value of your life?” The saint asked. “Life is all about where you choose to put yourself,” he added. You have to decide what you want your value to be.
You may be like a passing cloud for some people. They will use you and then forget about you. For them, you will be of little value.
However, for others, you are everything. They will place a high value on you and never leave you.
“So it’s up to you to decide where you want to place yourself and how you will be valued.”
Moral of the Story
Every one of us has a unique value in our lives. We have to put it to use where it is most appreciated.
Because we are not valued in some area or by specific individuals does not negate our value in life.
Because we are not given importance in some place or by certain people does not mean we do not have value in our life.
We must continue exploring and using our abilities to do the hard work. Then, we will find a place where we will be recognized for our value.
Walking on Water
A young man lived on a farm with his family. The family had a fantastic dog that would go down to the pond for hours every day in the spring and summer and practice retrieving various objects.
The boy wanted to prepare the dog for the duck season and prepared for the various scenario that may come up. He wanted his dog to be the greatest hunting dog in the county, so he planned. So, the boy and the dog trained vigorously every day for months.
As fall and winter arrived and duck season rolled in, the youngster and his dog were eager to return to their usual place near their home at the pond. Shortly after they reached the pond, they were able to strike a duck that fell right in the middle of the pond.
The boy signaled to retrieve the hunt, and the dog charged toward the duck. However, instead of swimming as it had practiced, the dog walked on the water’s surface and retrieved the duck before returning to the youngster.
The boy was astounded. His dog’s extraordinary ability to walk on water was like magic. However, the boy knew that no one would believe what he had just seen, so he needed someone else to come down and see it for themselves.
The youngster went to a local farmer’s property and inquired if he would hunt with him the next day. The neighbor agreed, and they met up the following morning at his usual spot by the pond.
The boy and his friend waited for a flock of ducks to fly overhead, and, as soon as they heard them approaching, the boy advised the neighbor to go ahead and take a shot. The neighbor was able to strike a duck. The boy signaled the dog to fetch the duck. Once again, the dog miraculously walked on water and retrieved the duck.
The boy could hardly contain his joy and asked the neighbor,” Did you see that? Wasn’t that amazing? What do you think ?”
The neighbor took a deep breath and responded,” “I didn’t want to mention it, but your dog has no idea how to swim.”
The kid was in disbelief as his neighbor pointed at a possible fault of the dog rather than recognizing that what he’d just done was a miracle.
Moral: People can be hesitant to credit others for their talents or achievements because they don’t feel they can not accomplish and reach similar heights of success. Don’t be discouraged by this. Simply move on and keep working on developing yourself. Being successful entails keeping a good attitude.
Life is But a Dream
A mouse fell into a tank full of rice. He looked around for danger, but when he didn’t see anything to fear- his happiness took over. This was amazing. He happily ate as much rice as he could eat and fell asleep. The next day he filled his stomach with the delicious grains and fell asleep. What a dream life I got, thought the mouse. He didn’t have to worry about the food supply anymore. But, as the days passed, he didn’t realize that rice was quickly depleting. Finally, one day he finished eating all the rice.
It was only then that he realized that he was at the bottom of a tank, and jumping out of it was impossible.
Moral: Our life may seem comfortable and peaceful at the time, but we should not get too comfortable that we lose our sense and fall into danger.